EStars, Ecobank partner to transform Esports Education in Nigeria



EStars, a trailblazer in the esports sector, has joined forces with Ecobank Nigeria, a subsidiary of the Ecobank Group, to advance esports education and equip students across Nigeria with vital life skills.


The partnership marks a significant step in Ecobank’s ongoing dedication to empowering African youth through education and technology.


The bank, in a statement, explained that  the collaboration will also see EStars  integrate its innovative Esports Club and educational qualifications into Nigeria’s schools, building on successful implementations in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.


Stressing the potential of the collaboration, the CEO of EStars, Mags Byrne,  described Esports as  more than just gaming; but  a gateway to acquiring essential life skills needed in today’s digital world.


“With Ecobank’s extensive reach and focus on youth development, we aim to provide every Nigerian student with the opportunity to gain these skills through our esports curriculum. This partnership aligns perfectly with our vision of using esports as a transformative educational tool for Africa’s youth,” Byrne added.


Head of SMEs, Partnerships and Collaborations at Ecobank Nigeria, Omoboye Odu, described the initiative as a great fit with the bank’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals.


She added that the initiative  supports Ecobank’s mission to create opportunities for young Africans to excel in the digital age.


“At Ecobank, we are committed to paving pathways for Africa’s youth to succeed in today’s digital world. esports offers a unique and engaging approach to education. Through our collaboration with EStars, we are enhancing the accessibility and relevance of education for the next generation of African leaders. By equipping students with the skills they need for the future, we are contributing to Africa’s long-term economic and social development,” she added.


The partnership  is expected to  introduce the Esports Club, a comprehensive educational initiative that will be rolled out in schools throughout Nigeria. This online platform offers educational games designed to develop crucial soft skills such as critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership.


Developed by EStars’ team of industry experts and educators, the platform will leverage Ecobank’s extensive network to reach even the most remote areas of Nigeria and eventually other parts of Africa.

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