Post Tagged with: "Lagos NIPR"

LaPRIGA 2023: Lagos NIPR introduces Sustainability Category

LaPRIGA 2023: Lagos NIPR introduces Sustainability Category

News November 20, 2023 at 1:45 pm 0 comments

The Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR), Lagos Chapter, said it is introducing a new category, ‘Best in Environment/Sustainability Campaign,’ to its array of awards at this year’s  Lagos Public  Relations Industry Gala and Awards, scheduled to hold in Lagos, on December 21, this year, in tune with its commitment to global environmental concerns.Disclosing this at the press briefing onRead More

At 2023 LPRSC: PR Practitioners set agenda on employment, nation-building

At 2023 LPRSC: PR Practitioners set agenda on employment, nation-building

News September 4, 2023 at 7:54 pm 0 comments

The 2023 Lagos Public Relations Stakeholders’ Conference (LPRSC), held recently, in Lagos, could not have been timelier. With a new government, at the centre, just settling down for business,  there couldn’t have been a better time for the nation’s reputation managers to air their views on the burning issues of unemployment, nation-building, and their grave implications for the nation’s economy, ifRead More